2015-11-01, Sven Ehrke (@syendar)


In a recent project we had a public webapplication serving internet users and some other webapplications for internal people. The public webapplication was running at an external service provider. The other ones were running internally.

All these webapplications needed to talk to the services of our ServiceApp. The internal applications had the ServiceApp embedded and therefore could simply call the services in process.

On the other hand the public application needed to send the service call information via message queue to the ServiceApp. Since there was just one message per call it even had to contain the information which service should be called and then dispatched inside the ServiceApp.

To ease local development and testing of the public application we decided to use HTTP instead of Message Queues.

Applications and communication mechanisms
Figure 1. Applications and communication mechanisms


How could the transport mechanism be decoupled from the caller (client) such that the details of the transport mechnism do not leak into the client and in addition new transport mechanisms could be added in the future ?

It turned out that our solution to this problem is a nice example for API / SPI separation.


We know that we want to support transport via HTTP and also via message queues. In the HTTP case the original parameters could be sent as request parameters. But in the MQ case all we can send is a message. Therefore we decided that servicename and parameters are encoded as JSON string which will satisfy the needs of all transport mechanisms.

But the user should not be bothered with the fact that the transport message needs to be sent as JSON. What the user needs to provide is the name of the service to be called and parameters (in the form the user knows).

Client calls API
Figure 2. Client calls API
class Client {
  ServiceAPI api
  api.execute('myService', myParams)
interface ServiceAPI {
  String execute(String serviceName, Parameters parameters)

This way the method execute fits the user’s needs.

To keep this example simple our services return a String.

To call the transport mechanisms an additonal method is needed:

  String send(String jsonString)

This means that an implementation of ServiceAPI needs to create a JSON String from serviceName and parameters and then call the send method:

class DefaultServiceAPI implements ServiceAPI {
  String execute(String serviceName, Parameters parameters) {
    // preparation steps: create a JSON String from serviceName and parameters
    // call 'send' taking a jsonString
    // postprocessing: extract meta info like errormessages and payload from returned JSON String


Our send method is a SPI (Service Provider Interface) and DefaultServiceAPI is the glue between the API and the SPI.

interface TransmitterSPI {
  String send(String jsonString)

For each transport mechanism an implementation for TransmitterSPI is needed:

class HttpTransmitter implements TransmitterSPI {
  String send(String jsonString) { ... }
class MQTransmitter implements TransmitterSPI {
  String send(String jsonString) { ... }
class InProcessTransmitter implements TransmitterSPI {
  String send(String jsonString) { ... }
final design
Figure 3. final design
In situations where a stronger coupling between the client and the transmitter API is acceptable the API and the SPI could be merged into a single API taking the JSON string. Then the client needs to make sure that it invokes the API with the correct JSON String (probably using a utility method).


Separating API and SPI hides the encoding in the glue code and the client does not even know that a JSON string is used. The client is decoupled from the needs of the transport mechanism.